Kanadan avustustekniikka ja esteettömyysresurssit
Kaikki avustavat teknologiatuotteemme, jotka on suunniteltu yksinomaan liikkuvuuden heikentyneiden henkilöiden käyttöön, eivät ole tuontia, arvonlisäveroa, GST: tä ja HST -veroja ja tulleja vammaisille Kanadan veljillemme pohjoiseen! (Myös britit ja aussit)
Kanada GST+HST -poikkeukset lääketieteellisistä ja avustavista laitteista
Jos tiedät lisätieto resursseja kanadalaisille, jaa ne kanssamme ja me täällä olevat tiedot!
Kanadan resurssit - Hakukoneet:
Listat Canada on yleiskäyttöinen hakukone voittoa tavoittelemattomille organisaatioille http://listingsca.com
Kummankin maakunnan maakunnan luetellut vammaisuusresurssit: katso maakunnan luettelo (esim. Yukon http://listingsca.com/Yukon/Health/#disability )
Kanadan liittohallitus:
Aboriginaaliresurssit Kanada http://www.gov.bc.ca/arr/services/guide.html
Kanada Eläkesuunnitelma (CPP) vammaisuusetuja http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/isp/cpp/disaben.shtml
Vammaisten keskusten keskus verkossa http://www.pwd-online.ca/pwdhome.jsp?lang=en
Lasten vammaisuusetu (CDB) www.cra-arc.gc.ca/bnfts/dsblty-eng.html
- Verovapaa etu perheille, jotka hoitavat lapsen, joka pätee vammaisuuden määrään. Se maksetaan kuukausittain Kanadan lasten veroetulle
Tullitiedot http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/menu-eng.html
- 9979.00.00 Tavarat, jotka on erityisesti suunniteltu auttamaan vammaisia vammaisten vammaisten ja materiaalien ja materiaalien lievittämisessä tällaisissa tavaroissa. Vapaa. Ei velvollisuutta
Vammaisuusverohyvitystodistus (lomake T2201) www.cra.gc.ca/forms
- Olet oikeutettu vammaisuuden määrään vain, jos pätevä lääkäri todistaa, että vamma on vakava ja pitkäaikainen.
- Jos sinulla on lääketieteellisesti sertifioitu pysyväksi liikkuvuuden heikentymiselle, etkä voi turvallisesti käyttää julkista liikennettä, voit hakea osasta ostamasi bensiinin liittovaltion valmisteveroa. Lisätietoja ja hakulomake on tietolomake XE8, liittovaltion valmiste -bensiiniveron palautusohjelma.
GST/ HST -tiedot http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/ndvdls/sgmnts/dsblts/gsthst-tpstvh/menu-eng.html
- Jotkut vammaisten käyttämät tavarat ja palvelut, jotka ovat vapautettuja tai nolla-luokiteltuja GST/HST: stä.
Health Kanada http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/index-eng.php
Linkit oikeusasiamiehen toimistoihin maakunnissa http://www.gnb.ca/0073/provinces-e.asp
- Oikeusasiamies tutkii valituksia valtion yksiköitä vastaan. He ovat riippumattomia hallituksesta ja heillä on tutkittava valtuuksia ja voivat ottaa kysymyksiä parlamentille ja tiedotusvälineille.
Rekisteröity vammaisuuden säästösuunnitelma (RDSP)
- Verolaistuja säästösuunnitelmia, joiden tarkoituksena on auttaa perheitä suunnittelemaan vammaisten sukulaisten pitkäaikaista taloudellista turvallisuutta. Liittovaltion hallitus vastaa Kanadan vammaisten säästöapurahojen kautta suoritettuja maksuja. Ihmisille, joilla on rajoitetut taloudelliset keinot, Kanadan vammaisten säästöjä koskeva joukko on saatavana ilman maksuosuuksia.
Hengähdystauko perheen hoitajille
Aiheet vammaisille http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/disability/
- Vammaisten kiinnostavien aiheiden verkkosivun ohje.
Muodot ja julkaisut
- Yksilöt - vammaiset
- Guide RC4064, lääketieteelliset ja vammaisuuteen liittyvät tiedot
- Opas RC4460, rekisteröity vammaisuuden säästösuunnitelma (RDSP)
- Lomake T2201, vammaisuusverohyvitystodistus
- Lomake T929, Vammaisuus tukee vähennystä
- Tietolomake XE8, liittovaltion valmiste -bensiiniveron palautusohjelma
- Linkit CPP -vammaisuusetujen sovelluksiin (vieritä alaspäin) http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/cgi-bin/search/eforms/index.cgi?app=profile&form=isp1151&lang=e
liittyvät aiheet
Kanadan organisaatiot
Pääsyopas Kanada - Vammaisuusyhdistysten maakunnan hakemisto http://www.abilities.ca/agc/disability_organization/subject_index.php?pid=5&cid=&atype=disability_organization
Pääsy Justice Network Kanada http://www.acjnet.org/naservices/legal.aspx
Vammaisten aktiivinen elävä liitto http://www.ala.ca/content/home.asp
Kanadan allergia/ astmayhdistys http://aaia.ca/
Enkelilennot (Ontariolla ja British Columbialla on omat versiot) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel_Flight
Kanadan yhdistämisapteekkien assosiaatio http://www.acpcrx.org/
Kanadan kuurojen yhdistys http://www.cad.ca/
Kanadan keliakiayhdistys: http://www.celiac.ca/
Vammaisten kanadalaisten neuvosto http://www.ccdonline.ca/en/
Canadian Directory of Palliative Care http://www.oulton.com/chpca
Canadian Medic Alert Foundation http://www.medicalert.ca/en/index.asp
Canadian Muscular Dystrophy Assoc. www.muscle.ca
Canadian National Institute for the Blind http://www.cnib.ca/
Canadian Orthopedic Association http://www.coa-aco.org/
Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders www.raredisorders.ca
Canadian Society of Intestinal Research http://www.badgut.com/
Canadian Special Olympics http://www.specialolympics.ca/
Centre for Child Disability Research http://canchild.ca/en/
Charity Village http://www.charityvillage.com/cv/main.asp
Coalition for Active Living in Canada http://www.activeliving.ca/english/index.cfm?fa=resources.helpfullinks
College of Family Physicians of Canada http://www.cfpc.ca/global/splash/default.asp?s=1
Dietitians Canada http://www.dietitians.ca/
Easter Seals Canada www.easterseals.ca/english
Diabetes Information http://diabetic.ca/ja http://diabetic.org/
Disabled Parking in Canada http://disabled-travelers-services.suite101.com/article.cfm/disabled_parking_permits_in_canada
Financial Assistance Programmes (compilation of links) http://www.hollandbloorview.ca/resourcecentre/communityresources/documents/funding.doc
Heart and Stroke Foundation http://ww2.heartandstroke.ca/splash/
Home Care and Respite http://www.howtocare.com/home_care6.htm
Home Care Links http://www.cdnhomecare.ca/content.php?TAG=links
Independent Living Canada http://www.ilcanada.ca/article/home-125.asp
International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders http://www.aboutkidsgi.org/
Kidney Foundation Canada http://www.kidney.ca/
Lifeline Canada http://www.lifeline.ca/content/english/
March of Dimes Canada http://www.marchofdimes.ca/dimes/national_programs/
March of Dimes Mobility http://www.modmobility.ca/
Motion Specialties Canada http://www.motionspecialties.com/
Palliative Care Canada http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hcs-sss/palliat/index-eng.php
President’s Choice Children’s Charity http://www.presidentschoice.ca/LCLOnline/aboutUsCharity.jsp
Public Health Agency of Canada http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/chn-rcs/index-eng.php
Society of Obstetrics and Gynecologists of Canada http://www.sogc.org/index_e.asp
Variety Kylä –
- Alberta http://www.varietyclub61.ab.ca/
- Brittiläinen Kolumbia http://www.variety.bc.ca/
- Manitoba http://www.varietymanitoba.com/
- Ontario http://varietyontario.ca/
Vocational Rehabilitation Canada http://www.vrcan.ca/english/foundations.php
Provincial Governments:
* Provincial Disability Search http://listingsca.com/Alberta/Health/Disabilities/
Children and Youth Services http://www.child.alberta.ca/home/
Alberta Centre for Child and Community Research http://www.research4children.com/
Chronic Disease Self Management http://www.calgaryhealthregion.ca/programs/cdm/
Child Health Benefit http://web-ext.chr.ab.ca/bins/content_page.asp?cid=5073-5101-10990-11638-12412&pre=view
- For families with low income. This plan pays for health services such as eyeglasses, prescription drugs and dental care
Education http://education.alberta.ca/
Family Support for Children with Disabilities http://www.child.alberta.ca/home/591.cfm
- The FSCD program uses a family-centred approach to provide parents with funding to access a range of supports and services that strengthen their ability to promote their child’s healthy growth and development. In addition, FSCD assists with some of the extraordinary costs of raising a child with a disability.
- Children who are significantly limited in their activities of daily living due to their disability may receive child focused services. Services are determine based on the impact of the child’s disability on their activities of daily living, the needs identified by the parent/guardian, as well as assessment information from professionals who work with the child. Services may include:
- additional respite services, including short-term hourly respite, 24-hour in- or out-of-home respite, homemaking support and domestic child care;
- assistance with child care to support a family with extraordinary work related child care costs, including an aide in day care or additional space in a day home as well as day care where required to support the child’s development;
- aide support to assist the child with personal care, community involvement or behavioural and developmental support.
- health-related services, including dental or orthodontic treatment, disability-related prescription drugs, ambulance service, prescription formula or special diet and medical supplies that are not covered under any other health plan;
- specialized services for children with severe disabilities; ja
- out-of-home living arrangements, if necessary, to support a child when all other alternatives for in-home supports have been explored. (Note: the parent/guardian maintains all guardianship responsibilities)
Terveys ja hyvinvointi http://www.health.alberta.ca/
Pro Bono Law http://www.pbla.ca/
- free of charge legal services
Ammatillinen kuntoutus http://vracanada.com/alberta.php
Brittiläinen Kolumbia:
* Provincial Disability Search http://listingsca.com/British-Columbia/Health/Disabilities/
Aboriginal Infant Development Programme of B C http://www.aidp.bc.ca/
- Provides culturally appropriate services to aboriginal families of children, age 0 to 3, who are at-risk for or who may have a delay in development.
Access Pro Bono http://www.accessjustice.ca/public/clinics.asp?province=BC
- Free of charge legal services
Advocate for Service Quality http://www.eia.gov.bc.ca/advocate/
- Auttaa tilanteissa, joihin osallistuvat kehitysvammaiset aikuiset ja erityistarpeiden nuorten siirtäminen ja heidän perheensä, jotka voisivat hyötyä ministeriöistä ja virastoista riippumattoman henkilön puuttumisesta.
Kotona http://www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/at_home/index.htm
- AT Home -ohjelma auttaa vanhempia joihinkin poikkeuksellisista kustannuksista, jotka koskevat kodissa vakavia vammaisia lapsia monien terveystukien ja palveluiden kautta. Se tarjoaa apua kahdella pääalueella:
Hengähdysetut edut Anna vanhemmille valita sopivat hoitovaihtoehdot lapselleen ja perheelleen.
Lääketieteelliset edut Tarjoa joukko perus-, välttämättömiä lääketieteellisiä esineitä ja palveluita
BC: n autismiyhdistys http://www.autismbc.ca/
- Vanhempiin perustuva ja suunnattu yhteiskunta, joka tukee autismispektrihäiriöitä ja heidän perheitään British Columbiassa ja Yukonissa.
B C Aboriginaalien lastenhoitoyhdistys http://www.acc-society.bc.ca/
- Tarjoaa koulutuspajoja, uutiskirjeitä ja luotonantajakirjastoa. Tämä yhteiskunta vastaa myös alkuperäiskansojen kehittämisohjelman maakunnan neuvonantajan toimistosta
B C Aboriginaaliverkko vammaisyhteiskunnalle http://www.bcands.bc.ca/
- Tarjoaa erilaisia tukipalveluita ja resursseja BC: n aboriginaalien vammaisten auttamiseksi.
B C Lasten kehityksen ja intervention yhdistys http://bcacdi.org/
- Provincial Association of Agency -yhdistys, joka tarjoaa lasten kehitys- ja terapiapalveluita erityistarpeisiin ja heidän perheilleen British Columbiassa
B C tautien torjuntakeskus http://www.bccdc.ca/default.htm
B C Crisis Centers http://www.communitycounselling.org/bc_crisis_centres.htm
B C -asunto http://www.bchousing.org/ ja http://www.bchousing.org/aboutus/serve
- Tuettu asunto
- Kuka voi hakea
B C Palliative Care and Hospice Association http://www.hospicebc.org/
Canuck Place http://www.canuckplace.org/
- Canuck Place Children's Hospice tarjoaa erikoistuneita lasten lievittävä hoito lapsille, joilla on hengenvaarallinen sairaus ja heidän tukensa perhe Koko British Columbiassa.
Lastenhoitopalvelut http://www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/childcare/
Lapset ja naisten terveyskeskus Britannian Columbiassa http://www.cw.bc.ca/index.asp
- Maakunnan terveyspalveluviranomaisen virasto, joka koostuu British Columbian lastensairaalasta, British Columbian naisten sairaalasta ja terveyskeskuksesta ja Sunny Hill Health Centeristä
Lapset ja nuoret, joilla on erityistarpeita (.pdf -tiedosto) http://www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/spec_needs/pdf/CYSN_FrameWorkForAction_Combo_LR.pdf
Lapset ja nuoret, joilla on erityistarpeita (linkki) http://www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/spec_needs/
- Vastuu monenlaisten palvelujen ja heidän erityistarpeiden ja heidän perheidensä lapsille ja nuorille.
Kroonisen sairauden hallinta http://www.health.gov.bc.ca/cdm/
Krooninen sairaus itsehallinto http://www.coag.uvic.ca/cdsmp/
Yhteisö Living BC http://www.bcacl.org/
- Vastuu palvelujen tarjoamisesta ja tukien kehittämisestä kehitysvammaisille aikuisille
Ajoneuvojen vammaisuuslupa http://www.sparc.bc.ca/
Työllisyys ja avustus vammaisille http://www.mhr.gov.bc.ca/PUBLICAT/VOL1/Part3/3-4.HTM
Perheen kuulovammiokeskus http://www.bcfamilyhearing.com/
- Maakunnan ohjelma, joka tarjoaa kattavia palveluita perheille, joilla on nuoria kuuroja ja kuulovammaisia lapsia kaikkialla B C: ssä
Perheen tukiinstituutti http://www.familysupportbc.com/
- Maakunnan laajuinen organisaatio, joka tukee perheitä, joilla on vammainen perheenjäsen.
Hedelmällisyys ja IVF -ohjelma http://www.ubcfertility.com/
Terveyslinkki BC http://www.healthlinkbc.ca/
Lääketieteelliset palvelusuunnitelmat BC: stä http://www.health.gov.bc.ca/msp/
Edistyneiden koulutusministeriö http://www.gov.bc.ca/aved/
- Vastuu koulutuspalveluista vammaisille aikuisille
Opetusministeriö http://www.gov.bc.ca/bced/
terveysministeriö http://www.gov.bc.ca/health/
- Vastuu sen varmistamisesta
Asumis- ja sosiaaliministeriö http://www.gov.bc.ca/hsd/
- Vastuu koulutus- ja tukimaksuista, työohjelmista, linja -autojen passista sekä terveys- ja hammashoitoetuista vammaisille
BC: n fysioterapiayhdistys http://www.bcphysio.org/app/index.cfm?fuseaction=pabc.home
POVNET BC (tuki ja asianajaja) http://www.povnet.org/
Provincial Health Services Authority http://www.phsa.ca/default.htm
- Vastuu maakuntien ohjelmien ja erittäin erikoistuneiden terveydenhuoltopalvelujen koordinoinnin ja toimittamisen valvonnasta, mukaan lukien arviointi ja diagnoosi
Maakuntaohjelmat http://www.popbc.ca/
- Tarjoaa ohjelmointikonsultointia ja tukea koulupiireille, jotka auttavat vastaamaan BC-koulupiireissä olevien matalan hengen opiskelijoiden koulutustarpeisiin
Maakuntapalvelut kuuroille ja kuulovammaisille http://www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/psdhh/index.htm
Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children http://www.bcchildrens.ca/Services/SunnyHillHealthCtr/default.htm
- Offers specialized services to children with disabilities, their families and communities throughout British Columbia. Sunny Hill serves children from birth to 19 years.
Toll-free information lines http://www.health.gov.bc.ca/cpa/1-800.html
Travel Assistance Plan http://www.health.gov.bc.ca/msp/mtapp/index.html
- Forms available at referring doctor’s office. Provincial government will pay ferry fares or partial air fare for patient and escort traveling together to an appointment more than 50 miles away requiring ferry or air transport.
Ammatillinen kuntoutus http://vracanada.com/alberta.php
Western Institute of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing http://www.widhh.com/
Work Safe BC – Rehab and Return to Work http://www.worksafebc.com/claims/rehab_and_rtw/default.asp
The EATI BC Disability Grant
The EATI (Equipment and Assistive Technology Initiative)grant provides “a person with a disability who has employment-related goals (or volunteer goals leading to employment)” help in removing any barriers that hinder that goal.
This disability grant fully covers the purchase and installation of the Control-A-Door automatic door opener, allowing you to fully remove the “door barrier” by unlatching, unlocking, opening and closing any door in your home or apartment.
To be eligible for EATI, you must be:
A person with a disability who has an employment-related goal. Remember, volunteering can be an important step toward employment.
18 years of age or older
A BC Resident
UnemployedTAIemployed with low skills (for example, low English literacy, incomplete high school) and looking to upgrade
Ineligible for Employment Insurance (EI)
Have not received an EI benefit in the past 3 years
Have not received an EI maternity or parental benefit in the past 5 years
Able to demonstrate a need for assistive technology
Unable to access funding through other programs
Part-time students who are available for work may be eligible for EATI. People over the age of 65 who are available for work are also eligible.
To apply for the EATI grant contact theBC Personal tukee verkkoato download the application and/or receive guidance in the application process.
BC Personal tukee verkkoa
Phone: 1-877-333-7554
* Provincial Disability search http://listingsca.com/Manitoba/Health/Disabilities/
Child Care Subsidy and Disability child care support cdcinfo@gov.mb.ca
Children’s Special Services http://www.gov.mb.ca/fs/pwd/css.html#content
- Programme provides services and support to families who may need assistance with some of the extraordinary demands of caring for a child with disabilities. With supports, families are better able to care for their children at home within their communities, where the children grow and thrive.
Employment and Income Assistance http://www.gov.mb.ca/fs/assistance/eia.html
Income Assistance for Persons with Disabilities http://www.gov.mb.ca/fs/pwd/iapd.html#content
Manitoba Child Benefit http://www.gov.mb.ca/fs/assistance/mcb.html#content
Manitoba Hospice and Palliative Care http://www.manitobahospice.ca/
Manitoba Health http://www.gov.mb.ca/health/
Manitoba Pharmacare Program (prescription coverage): http://www.gov.mb.ca/health/pharmacare/index.html
Opetusministeriö http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/
Oikeusasiamies http://www.ombudsman.mb.ca/
Services for Persons with Disabilities and Children’s Services http://www.gov.mb.ca/fs/pwd/
Society for Manitobans with Disabilities http://www.smd.mb.ca/
Supported Living Services http://www.gov.mb.ca/fs/pwd/supported_living.html#content
- provide care and accommodation to assist adults with a mental disability to live in the community in their residential option of choice including a family home, independent living and residential care facilities.
- Day Services - include supported employment and follow up services, services with a vocational focus and personal development services.
- Tukipalvelut - include respite for caregivers, crisis intervention, and other supports required to individuals and families in need.
- In Company of Friends Program - provides adults with a mental disability the opportunity to create and manage their own services through direct funding. The person receives assistance to make his/her own decisions from their support network of family and friends.
Ammatillinen kuntoutus http://www.gov.mb.ca/fs/pwd/voc_rehab.html#content
New Brunswick:
* Provincial Disability search http://listingsca.com/New-Brunswick/Health/Disabilities/
Chronic Disease Self Management Programme http://app.infoaa.7700.gnb.ca/gnb/Pub/EServices/ListServiceDetails.asp?ServiceID1=200753&ReportType1=ALL
Department of Education http://www.gnb.ca/0000/
Designated Disabled Parking http://app.infoaa.7700.gnb.ca/gnb/Pub/EServices/ListServiceDetails.asp?ServiceID1=14197&ReportType1=All
Disability Support Programme http://app.infoaa.7700.gnb.ca/gnb/Pub/EServices/ListServiceDetails.asp?ServiceID1=200972&ReportType1=ALL
Housing Assistance http://app.infoaa.7700.gnb.ca/gnb/Pub/EServices/ListServiceDetails.asp?ServiceID1=19576&ReportType
New Brunswick Health http://www.gnb.ca/0051/index-e.asp
Oikeusasiamies http://www.gnb.ca/0073/index-e.asp
Persons with Disabilities framework http://www.gnb.ca/0017/Disabilities/wgindex-e.asp
Services for Children with Special Needs http://app.infoaa.7700.gnb.ca/gnb/Pub/EServices/ListServiceDetails.asp?ServiceID1=10195&ReportType
Social Assistance http://app.infoaa.7700.gnb.ca/gnb/Pub/EServices/ListServiceDetails.asp?ServiceID1=10295&ReportType1
Vocational Rehabilitation Programme http://www.gov.mb.ca/fs/pwd/voc_rehab.html
Newfoundland and Labrador:
* Provincial Disability search http://listingsca.com/Newfoundland/Health/Disabilities/
Newfoundland list of Services and Links for Disabled people http://www.health.gov.nl.ca/health/personsdisabilities/
Disability Policy Office http://www.hrle.gov.nl.ca/hrle/disabilities/DPO.html
Education http://www.ed.gov.nl.ca/edu/
Employment Assistance http://www.hrle.gov.nl.ca/hrle/disabilities/services.html
Health and Community Services http://www.health.gov.nl.ca/health/personsdisabilities/fundingprograms_hcs.html
Independent Living Institute http://www.independentliving.org/donet/267_independent_living_resource_centre_st_johns_newfoundland.html
Job Training and Vocational Rehabilitation services http://www.manta.com/world/North+America/Canada/Newfoundland/job_training_and_vocational_rehabilitation_services--F014B/
Learning Disabilities Association http://www.nald.ca/ldanl/main.asp
North West Territories:
* Provincial Disability search http://listingsca.com/North-West-Territories/Health/#disability
Department of Health and Social Services
- Department of Health and Social Services
Government of the Northwest Territories
Box 1320 Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9
Phone: (867) 873-7046 Fax: (867) 873-7706
Education, Culture and Employment http://www.ece.gov.nt.ca/
Extended Health benefits for Specified Diseases http://www.hlthss.gov.nt.ca/english/services/health_care_plan/specified_diseases/default.htm
Metis Health benefits http://www.hlthss.gov.nt.ca/english/services/health_care_plan/metis_benefits/default.htm
Publications for Persons with Disabilities in NWT http://www.hlthss.gov.nt.ca/content/Publications/subject/publications_persons_with_disabilities.asp
Supplementary Health Benefits supplementaryhealthbenefits@gov.nt.ca
Nova Scotia:
* Provincial Disability search http://listingsca.com/Nova-Scotia/Health/#disability
Community Organization Network http://www.nsnet.org/
Disability parking http://www.gov.ns.ca/snsmr/rmv/registration/mobility.asp
Employment Support and Financial Assistance http://www.gov.ns.ca/coms/employment/
Terveysosasto http://www.gov.ns.ca/health/
Hospice / Palliative Care http://www.nshpca.ca/
Nova Scotia Department of Education http://www.ednet.ns.ca/
Services for Persons with Disabilities http://www.gov.ns.ca/coms/disabilities/
- Many links on this website
* Provincial Disability search http://listingsca.com/Nunavut/Health/#disability
Government of Nunavut, Health and Social Services http://www.gov.nu.ca/health/
- PO Box 1000, Sta. 1000
Iqaluit, NU
X0A 0H0
Ph: (867) 975-5700 - The Department of Health and Social Services provides a broad range of programs and services in the following areas:
• Primary and acute health, both inpatient and ambulatory
• Lastensuojelu
• Family services
• Mielenterveys
Government of Nunavut, Department of Education http://www.edu.gov.nu.ca/
Income Support Programme http://www.edu.gov.nu.ca/apps/authoring/dspPage.aspx?page=37
Social Assistance http://www.edu.gov.nu.ca/apps/authoring/dspPage.aspx?page=38
* Provincial Disability search http://listingsca.com/Ontario/Health/#disability
Ministry of Child and Youth Services www.gov.on.ca/children/english/programs/needs/index.html
- 1-866-821-7770 for special needs resources, programs and services
- Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities (Mito qualifies)
- Parents get $25-430 per month to help with costs of such as traveling to doctors and hospitals, special shoes, clothing, parental relief, assistive devices etc. Eligibility is based upon family income.
- Child care for children with special needs
- Children with autism
- Behavioral Management programs
- Infant development programs
- Children’s rehabilitation services
- Children’s treatment centres
- Infant Hearing Program
- Preschool speech and language program
- Respite services
Special services at home (some mitochondrial diseases covered depending on severity) http://www.provincialadvocate.on.ca/main/en/about/aboutus.cfm
Social Assistance in Ontario http://www.accesson.ca/en/mcss/programs/social/
- Ontario Works (OW)
- Ontario Disability Supports Program (ODSP)
- The Ontario Disability Support Program Income Support helps people with disabilities who are in financial need pay for living expenses, like food and housing.
- OW or ODSP office locator http://www.mcss.gov.on.ca/mcss/owapp/Locator/index.aspx?lang=en
Ontario Legal Aid http://www.legalaid.on.ca/en/getting/
- You can call Legal Aid Ontario toll-free at 1-800-668-8258 tai 416-979-1446 to speak to a representative. Legal Aid Ontario accepts collect calls.
Ontario Ministry of Education http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/
Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care http://www.health.gov.on.ca/
Ontario Associations and Organizations
Autism Society Ontariowww.asohalton.org
Asperger’s Society Ontario www.aspergers.ca
Centre for Childhood disability Research: www.canchild.ca
Community Networks of Specialized Care: www.community-networks.ca
- For adults with a developmental disability who need specialized care for co-existing mental health and or behavioral issues.
Erin Oak Kids www.erinoakkids.ca
- client Services Intake – 905-855-3557 Toll free 1-877-ERINOAK
- Clients served in the region of Halton, Peel, Waterloo, or Wellington-Dufferin
- Workshops
- Support groups
- Teen drop –in
- Autism intervention services
- Speech, physio, occupational therapy etc.
Central West Infant Hearing Program 1-866-764-9606
Central West Autism Intervention Services 1-866-7772-7702
Geneva Centre for Autism www.autism.net
- 416-322-7877 Toronto
- Support groups
- Social skills development
- Hengähdystauko
- Resource lending library
- School board services
Kerry’s place Autism Services www.kerrysplaceautismservices.com
- 905-457-8711 Brampton
- Children’s and adults
- Residential program
- Hengähdystauko
- Various workshops
- Resource library
Learning Disability Assoc. www.ldatd.on.ca
- 416-229-1680 Toronto
Ombudsman Ontario http://www.ombudsman.on.ca/
Ontario Adult Autism Research and Support Network www.ont-autism.uoguelph.ca
Ontario Association of Children’s Rehabilitation Services www.oacrs.com/
Ontario Early Years Centers: www.ontarioearlyyears.ca/oeyc/oeyc.htm
- Preschool programs and resources offered to both Halton and Peel Regions
Ontario Trillium Foundation www.trilliumfoundation.org
ROCK Reach Out Center for Kidswww.rockonline.ca
- 471 Pearl St. Burlington, ON
- 905-634-2347
- wide range of services from individual counseling, support of families with various mental disorders and also provides OHIP covered assessments.
The Ontario Camping Association www.ontariocamps.ca
- maintains a list of special needs camps that meet and maintain high provincial standards for children with various disabilities and disorders.
Vocational Rehabilitation – March of Dimes http://www.marchofdimes.ca/dimes/corporate_rehab/programs_and_services/vocational_rehab/
Government of Prince Edward Island:
* Provincial Disability search http://listingsca.com/Prince-Edward-Island/Health/#disability
Government of Prince Edward Island http://www.gov.pe.ca/
Community Services, Seniors and Labour http://www.gov.pe.ca/sss/index.php3?number=1025792&lang=E
Education and Early Childhood Development http://www.gov.pe.ca/education/
Disability Support Programme http://www.gov.pe.ca/sss/index.php3?number=20667&lang=E
Disability Parking permit http://www.gov.pe.ca/infopei/index.php3?number=49728
Terveys ja hyvinvointi http://www.gov.pe.ca/health/
Supports for People with Disabilities http://www.gov.pe.ca/sss/index.php3?number=1018613
Ammatillinen kuntoutus http://www.gov.pe.ca/sss/index.php3?number=1025792&lang=E
Government of Quebec:
*Provincial Disability search http://listingsca.com/Quebec/Health/#disability
Chronic Disease Self Management Programme http://mytoolbox.mcgill.ca/en/index.php
Disability Information – tax http://www.rrq.gouv.qc.ca/en/invalidite/Pages/invalidite.aspx
Disability Supports Deduction http://www.revenu.gouv.qc.ca/en/citoyen/clientele/handicape/deficience.aspx
Education http://www.mels.gouv.qc.ca/gr-pub/m_englis.htm
Employment Insurance (maternity, parental and sickness) – Quebec http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/types/special.shtml
Quebec Health Care http://www.msss.gouv.qc.ca/en/
Government of Saskatchewan:
* Provincial Disability search http://listingsca.com/Saskatchewan/Health/#disability
Child Care Subsidy Programme http://www.socialservices.gov.sk.ca/childcare
terveysministeriö http://www.health.gov.sk.ca/
Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities http://www.aeel.gov.sk.ca/eapd/
First Nations and Metis Services Telephone: (306) 787-3949
Housing for Persons with Disabilities http://www.socialservices.gov.sk.ca/disability-housing
- Financial assistance allows homeowners and owners of rental properties to improve their dwellings so that they are more accessible to persons with disabilities
Office of Disability Issues http://www.socialservices.gov.sk.ca/office-disability
- Has a direct working relationship with other government ministries, the disability community and the public
Parking Programme http://www.abilitiescouncil.sk.ca/html/parking_program_people_disabilities/index.cfm
Persons with Disabilities Online http://www.pwd-online.ca/pwdl.3st@.jsp?geo=4&cat=5_29
Saskatchewan Assistance http://www.socialservices.gov.sk.ca/sap
- Information on programmes and services for families and individuals who, for various reasons, cannot meet basic living costs
Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (.pdf file) http://www.socialservices.gov.sk.ca/Introducing-SAID.pdf
Saskatchewan Employment Supplement http://www.socialservices.gov.sk.ca/ses
Saskatchewan Public Policy on Disabilities http://esask.uregina.ca/entry/disability_citizenship_and_public_policy.html
Saskatchewan Rental Housing Supplement http://www.socialservices.gov.sk.ca/srhs
Government of Yukon:
* Provincial Disability search http://listingsca.com/Yukon/Health/#disability
Community directory for special needs http://www.wholistichealthyukon.org/crd/specialneeds.htm
Opetusministeriö http://www.education.gov.yk.ca/
Services for people with disabilities http://www.hss.gov.yk.ca/disabilites.php
Yukon Health Guide http://www.ykhealthguide.org/
Yukon Health and Social Services http://www.hss.gov.yk.ca/
- Telephone: (867) 667-3002
Yukon government http://www.gov.yk.ca/
Organizations granting wishes
The Children's Wish Foundation of Canada http://www.childrenswish.ca/
95 Bayly Street, Suite 404 Ajax, Ontario Canada L1S 7K8
Phone: (905) 426-5656
Fax: (905) 426-4111
The national office for the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada.
Tämä organisaatio, jolla on 12 maakunnan luvun toimistoa rannikolta rannikolle, on omistettu suosikkihoidon täyttämiseen lapsille, joilla on suuri riski, hengenvaarallinen sairaus. Vanhemmat voivat ottaa yhteyttä lähimmän luvun kansallisiin toimistoihin. Säätiön tavoitteena on tarjota kerran elämässä kokemus lapsille, jotka kärsivät korkeasta riskistä hengenvaarallisista sairauksista. Lapset ovat oikeutettuja 3 -vuotiaana ja yli 18 -vuotiaana ennen pyynnön vastaanottamista.
Lasten toive täyttää suosikki toiveet jokaiselle lapselle, jonka ei odoteta saavuttavan 18 -vuotiaita. Wach Wish, todella lapsen oma on valmis, kun lapsi on riittävän terveellinen nauttimaan siitä. Välitön perhe sisältyy toiveiden toteutumiseen, jotta lapsi ja perhe jakamalla kokemuksen ja luovat onnellisia muistoja yhdessä.
- 1-800-323-wish
Alle 3 -vuotiaille lapsille (kronologisesti tai kognitiivisesti)
http: // lastenswish.org/youngminds.html
Make-a-wish-säätiö Kanadasta http://www.makeawish.ca/
Tämä organisaatio, joka palvelee Kanadan eri alueita, pyrkii täyttämään alle 18-vuotiaiden lasten erityistoiveita, joilla on hengenvaarallisia sairauksia.
Starlight Children's -säätiö http://www.starlight.org/
Tämä organisaatio on omistettu vakavasti sairaiden lasten kirkastamiseen toiveiden myöntämisellä ja huipputeknisen sairaalan sisäisen viihteen avulla. Siinä on lukuverkosto Yhdysvalloissa, Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa, Australiassa ja Kanadassa
Kanadan Sunshine -säätiö http://www.sunshine.ca/
Tämä säätiö antaa lapsille, joilla on vakava fyysinen vamma tai hengenvaarallinen sairaus, olla mahdollisuus nähdä heidän kerran elämässään unelmansa.
Tarjoustoivit-Kanada http://www.tenderwishes.org/
Tämä organisaatio myöntää toiveita 2–18-vuotiaille lapsille, joilla on hengenvaarallinen sairaus ja jotka asuvat Niagaran alueellisessa kunnassa, Ontariossa.
Toiset tuulen unelmat www.secondwind.org
Voittoa tavoittelematon organisaatio, joka antaa haluaa vanhemmille aikuisille, jotka asuvat vanhustenhoitolaitoksissa tai sairaalahoidossa. He ovat myöntäneet toiveita kaikkialla Yhdysvalloissa, Kanadassa ja Intiassa.
Tee Wish Foundation International www.worldwish.org
Apurahat haluavat lapsille, joilla on hengenvaarallinen sairaus 18-vuotiaana 28 maassa ja Yhdysvaltojen ulkopuolella.
Albertan sateenkaaren yhdistys
6604 82nd Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta, Kanada T6B0E7
Puhelin: 780-469-3306
Sähköposti: roxanner@rainbowsociety.ab.ca